Author name: Gary K Burns

A set of stone steps, strong and solid, climbing upwards to a blue sky

Take positive steps now to build your self-awareness.

Much is written about the importance of emotional intelligence. It is something that some seem to have in abundance. Equally, there are those who seem to really struggle. Importantly, it has nothing to do with general or intellectual intelligence. I’ve certainly met people who are very intelligent yet completely lack any emotional intelligence. The good […]

An hourglass, partially lit, with more sand in the bottom than in the top

Act today to preserve tomorrow’s precious memories.

Some years ago, I began to realise that I had an ever-diminishing amount of time left with my parents. It was a sobering realisation. I don’t know about you but I sort of felt that my parents would go on forever. Obviously, on many levels I knew that it was not the case. The thought,

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