Life is a constant stream of experiences, all with an emotional response. We have the experience, this triggers an emotion, and we move on. Unconsciously, we resolve the experience and the emotion and then file it all away. The emotion that we attached to the experience may well change. Something very funny in the moment may well be recalled as mildly amusing. Events which as a child were very exciting may bore us as adults. The list goes on. There are, though, those events which don’t resolve. You find yourself dwelling on them, reliving them, and adding layers which were just not there back in the moment of living the event. We end up carrying those events and emotions for years. So, when are you letting go of all those negative emotions?
You may be wondering why you would even want to let go. Those memories surely provide a safety net, a reminder of what can go wrong. Equally, letting go surely lets the other person, those who caused the terrible situation, off the hook. They did wrong and their actions deserve consequences, don’t they?
And yet, by holding on it colours your judgment. Options and opportunities pass you by, not even entering your awareness. Your unconscious mind limits what you experience, protecting you from repeating the bad experience.
Those festering negative emotions weigh you down, a burden to carry which you seemingly willingly do.
The reality is that by allowing those emotions to carry on unresolved you are allowing the past to hold you hostage. Those negative emotions cloud everything you do and think.
And take a moment to think about it.
Firstly, if you are filled with emotion, how clear thinking are you? Can you really see situations for what they are when emotions are raging?
Secondly, if you are constantly coloured by unresolved emotions, how rational is your thinking?
Thirdly, are you really keeping yourself safe? Seriously, when did you last make a good decision in the height of an emotional crisis?
Fourthly, who is really on the hook? That person, those people, may well have moved on, unaware and uncaring about your burdens and what you are carrying around. So, who is really getting punished?
Finally, by focussing on the past, you are missing out on the present and a better future. Is that what you really want?
Fortunately, there is a way of resolving it all. Time Line Therapy® provides a process which resolves the unwanted emotions, leaving the events untouched. No going back and reliving your terrible experiences. No lengthy process to unpack and understand the past. Simply, a method for releasing and resolving the negative emotions.
Crucially, you still remember the event and how it made you feel. You now, though, have clarity. This allows you to learn from the event, unburdened by the emotion, which gives you learnings for future use.
And because you’ve got those learnings without the interference of the emotions, your learnings are rational and useful.
So, if you are ready to let go, then do it now. If you’re not sure or think you need help to make it happen, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?