The end of 2024 is fast approaching. For many, it is a time to reflect on the year. Some of it will have been good, maybe even better than good. There’s sure to be stuff that could have gone better. Possibly, you look back and cringe. Those of you who read my blog regularly will know that I’m a big fan of taking stock. So, if you’ve started the process already, it’s a well done from me. Obviously, as I’ve already said, taking stock can lead to all sorts of outcomes. Within what you find, you may discover a lot of baggage. Stuff that is getting in the way. And I wonder, how ready are you to get rid of the baggage from this year?

A room full of clutter of which there is so much that you cannot see the floorPhysical stuff, possessions, can be easy to get rid of. You pack it up and put in the bin. You may be able to sell it. Or, as more and more are doing, you can recycle it. Some may be more challenging. We attach emotions, memories and meaning to some things. If this is you, how does holding on help? You may want to think about it, and work out what really matters.

Much harder to deal with is the emotional baggage. Events from this year will have triggered a whole range of emotions. Unsurprisingly, you may realise that you’ve been good at resolving the positive emotions. Contrarily, negative emotions have a way of hanging around. You simply cannot let go.

You can hold on to negative emotions for all sorts of reasons. Potentially, you may not want to forget. Additionally, you may not want to let others off the hook. Possibly, you’re thinking that in some way you are keeping yourself safe. The list goes on.

A single red balloon floats away against a blue skyThe reality is that your unconscious mind wants to resolve the emotions. It does it all the time. Firstly, you experience an event. You subsequently have an emotional response. Finally, your unconscious mind files it all away. You can look back and remember what happened and how you felt.

Frustratingly, we don’t do this all of the time. Those negative emotions rumble on, casting a shadow over everything you do.

Neatly organised bookshelves with a TV on the wall and magazines laid out in orderFortunately, there is a way to resolve those negative emotions. Time Line Therapy® gives us a process to resolve those negative emotions without revisiting the events which triggered the emotions in the first place. Importantly, no protracted process of examining the event. No pain of sitting in the emotion to understand it. Simply, a way of resolving the emotion while at the same time gaining insight which helps you manage future negative emotions.

So, when you’re ready, find out more. Get in touch and book a free initial consultation here, and then take the step. Then, just imagine starting 2025 with a clean slate. Everything, including your emotions, in the right place. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

Categories: Coaching


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