One of the recurring reflections that I hear at this time of year is how glad some are that the year is coming to an end. It makes sense. If it’s been a challenging year, the main focus is seeing one year out. Obviously, the hope is that the coming year turns out better. I’ve done it myself. 2023 was particularly difficult on lots of levels. I couldn’t wait for 2024 to start. Unsurprisingly, a lot has gone wrong this year. Curiously, we love to focus on that negativity. And I wonder; how aware are you of the one thing that turned out better than expected this year?

An unlit lightbulb surrounded by rough silhouettes of mothsLike moths to a flame, we seem drawn to the negativity. A whole day ruined by one bad experience. The holiday blighted by a single negative incident. It’s as if we cannot help ourselves. Take a moment. How often have you allowed a whole event to be spoiled by one negative incident?

And there are lots of risks in doing this. Firstly, it feeds into a negative spiral in which you become stuck. Secondly, you find yourself limiting your choices because you’re fearful of things going wrong. Thirdly, you become obsessed by your poor luck. Eventually, you give up, convinced that the world is out to get you.

This is where your limiting decisions take over. Bizarrely, you tell yourself that it all goes wrong because you’re not good enough, not worthy, not something, anything that you use to beat yourself.

A blue and yellow car crashing through glass doorsObviously, not everything unfolds as planned. The reality of life is that you’re not always in control.

However, and it’s a very big however, most of the time most of what you do, does work out. Think of the small things you do every day. They tend to work out. You run your life, you support those around you, and, generally, you get there.

A person standing on a very small island surrounded by water, the sun filtering through grey clouds, a scene of quiet reflectionAnd now, cast your mind back. Frustratingly, it may take a while. Yet, it comes to you. That event. That day. The task you completed. Remarkably, an occasion which was just good because it worked and you got what you wanted.

Curiously, once you find one, more come to mind. Astonishingly, you realise how much did actually go well. Who’d have thought!

So now, plan to do this every day. Take a few minutes to reflect on all that worked out. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. And with time, notice how your attitude shifts, seeing the positive as it happens and leaving the negative behind.

If you know what to do, now is the time to do it. If you’re not sure, book an initial consultation here, and then take the next step. You know that you can do it, and you know that it makes sense, don’t you?

Categories: Coaching


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